How to use the Personality Quiz Element
Use our new personality quiz for more website engagement!
You might be familiar with quizzes on Buzzfeed like - What animal am I? We have created a quiz element similar to these to integrate directly in NEOS on our pages. These are great for engagement, and allowing users to learn about what we do, while also being entertained. Please view the personality quiz below in the back end, so you can see how it was set up.
Essentially, you need to come up with results or the 'answers', and then decide on answer options which correspond to each result.
Question - of -
Which is most important to you?
My friends would most likely describe me as someone who is:
Considerate and avoids conflict
Open to change and wants to be part of a movement
Driven by high moral standards, facts, and order
Motivated by success and status, and finds quick solutions
When I think about animal welfare issues, I tend to be drawn to:
I donate to organisations or projects because:
I have a personal connection to the topic
I want to contribute to the "big picture"
I see great suffering and I feel obliged to contribute
I like people to see the good in me
Do you see yourself working hands-on with animals?
Yes, I'd prefer to be physically there and directly involved
No, I'd rather support by signing a petition or making a donation
You helped rescue bear Teddy! Which of the following messages would be the most meaningful to you?
You made Teddy happy
You helped FOUR PAWS provide a natural habitat
You brought justice to Teddy and his friends
You helped change Teddy's fate
You are an idealist!
You strive for harmony, security, and a pleasant atmosphere. Closeness, warmth, and traditional values such as family are important to you. You are strongly oriented toward the past and your immediate surroundings. Seeing suffering weighs on you, and you want to help alleviate any suffering. You avoid conflict and criticism of yourself. You believe in the good in people. The world of idealists is marked by hope.
You are an enthusiast!
You want to be part of a movement. You search for topics, platforms, groups, or individuals with whom you can identify. You are creative and open to change. You think holistically and systemically for a sustainable world, and are strongly future-oriented. Stuffiness, old structures and systems, conservative values, pressure, rigidity, and bigotry repel you. Enthusiasts are excellent ambassadors and influencers.
You are a realist!
You tend to be skeptical about NGOs. It is important to you to know precisely which institution your donation is going to and how it is being used – you want to see “evidence.” You value doing the right thing and maintaining order and control. You strongly dislike lies and deceit, violence, waste, and lack of integrity. You want to see, within a relatively short time, what was achieved with the help of your donation (e.g., a shelter was built, an animal was rescued, equipment was purchased). You are "facts and figures" oriented.
You are a pragmatist!
You strive for status and success. Pragmatists value clarity, strategy, competence, and order. You avoid weakness and loss of control, and you are reluctant to be told what to do. You love a good challenge and enjoy working towards finding quick solutions to problems. Your thinking is logical, efficient, and solution-oriented. You like to show others the "good in you."