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animals are not (christmas) gifts

Giving an animal as a present means giving a life

Animal companions can be understood as 'gifts' in a deeper sense. They make life richer and bring a lot of happiness. But even though life with an animal can be a gift, a dog, cat, guinea pig or other animal should not be thoughtlessly given away. Especially if the recipient is someone who is unaware of what it means to keep an animal and the responsibilites that go along with it. That goes for children in particular. Although children build close emotional bonds with animals, they are normally unable to take on the full responsibility for caring for a pet and its well-being. 

An animal is not an inanimate object but a live, sentient creature with needs specific to its species. Becoming an animal owner means committing to fulfil these needs for the entire life of the animal. That can be up to 14 years for a dog and 20 years for a cat. This commitment includes the following:  

  • a balanced diet suited to the species
  • an appropriate amount of occupation and movement
  • regular visits to the vet
  • a lifelong financial commitment
  • time for interaction, training and playing with the animal
  • accepting the possible impact on one's own lifestyle

The questions a pet would ask

Anyone thinking about giving a pet as a gift should consider whether this will benefit the animal itself and whether the recipient can and wants to take on this responsibility. From the perspective of the animal, careful thought must be given to the following aspects:

  • Is this person even suited to me?
  • Does this person have a place for me in their life?
  • Is this person even old enough to take care of me?
  • Is he or she mature enough to take care of me properly?
  • Is this person aware of my needs?
  • Can he or she support me financially?
  • Does he or she even have enough time for me?
  • How long will this person enjoy having me?

Thinking carefully about these questions will prevent a well-meaning gift becoming an unwanted one. If things go wrong, a pet owner can feel exceedingly stressed. In the worst scenario, the animal will suffer from neglect and be given away.


Animals should not be given as gifts if their lifelong well-being is not guaranteed. Giving an animal means giving a life along with a big package of responsibility and commitments.  
