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Bear Tom close up

New NEOS Editors Tasks

Welcome to the NEOS Hub! We have two short tasks for you


Hi New Editors! We are super happy to have you here. Now that you have completed your first training, we have two little tasks for you to do directly on this page.

Instructions for your first task:

  • Please read this Editors Help page: Quality Check Your Work Before you Publish the First Time
  • After reading it, please list one thing/tip to remember before publishing your page, and add your initials next to the tip. We will do an example here, and  you can add your point underneath ours:
  • Before publishing for the first time, check the mobile version - CWA.
  • Do all Links work? Double check - SVO
  • Are there no empty spaces? - MZW
  • About the images: Correct cropping, alt texts and titles for all images on page (all images also have to have a copyright--> check in frontend)? - ELI


Instructions for your second task:

  • Below this Checklist element, simply add an image to the Content Block we have provided (Right under our bears image). In the Inspector, add alternative text, an image title and check 'Enable Caption', press apply then add a Caption to the image. Be sure to add your initials. See our example below (the bears image). 
  • If you need any help, you can look at this page: How to Add Images to Your Pages
Jamila and Sam

Take a look at these cute and happy bears, Jamila and Sam! - CWA

Your turn! Add an image directly below this one. 

fox in the sun

Here you can see a beautiful white grey fox resting in sunny weather. - MZW 

An usual day of Thai Giang, Thai Van and May in BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh - BSNB

Bear in a forest

Our bears are still active and roaming around - as proven by bear Tom in this picture - SVO

Bear Sam at Arosa

Bear Sam at Arosa - ELI

Learn more over at our Editors Help Section
