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Lions Rici and Paco

What we do at LIONSROCK

Solutions for big cats in need, rescued from around the world by offering a safe haven and permanent care in a species-appropriate environment. 

As part of FOUR PAWS’ work for wild animals in captivity, we focus on the situation of big cats in zoos, private captivity and the entertainment industry.


The policy of LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary is to promote animal protection, offer solutions for big cats in need, and in general do everything that helps improve animal welfare in the broadest sense of the word. LIONSROCK also focuses on educating visitors and the general public at large with big cat animal welfare information sharing, via social media platforms and on-site educational programmes.


  • Offering permanent residence, rehabilitation and care for big cats rescued from zoos, circuses and private captivity.
  • Providing a safe haven for rescued big cats.
  • Conducting research to optimise animal welfare for big cats in captive conditions.
  • Providing information and education to the public.
  • Further developing and implementing educational aspects surrounding animal welfare.
  • Enhancing a visitors experience with a focus on education from hospitality to Guided Sanctuary Tours thus ensuring an impactful visit for stay over guests.
  • Maintaining LIONSROCK as a sustainable and ethical destination through the utilisation of solar power throughout the sanctuary including vehicles, visitor service area, office and maintenance areas.

What is our impact

  • Many big cats such as lions and tigers are still kept in cruel conditions in circuses. They are confined to small cages, are constantly on the road and have to endure stressful training and shows.
  • In many countries, big cats are popular pets. None of the private owners have the necessary knowledge, resources and/or space to offer these animals a suitable environment.
  • Big cats demand very specific requirements regarding enclosure design, hiding space, room to move, food and social structure.
  • LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary supports the FOUR PAWS SA country office in their campaigns and rescue efforts of big cats from within South Africa.

Personnel and Organisation

The LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary consists of various staff members who are skilled in undertaking and executing day-to-day activities in line with the sanctuary's, it's animal residents and guest's requirements. These individuals include:

  • Sanctuary Manager
  • On-site Veterinarian
  • Maintenace Manager
  • Safety and Security Manager
  • Head Animal Caretaker
  • Head of Visitor Operations
  • Vegetation Team Manager


Each head of department is supported by a team of dedicated staff members who are tasked with the upkeep of the sanctuary.

The team is also supported by a group of very committed volunteers.


We can accomplish our goals by:

  • Offering direct rescue and care for animals in need.
  • Working together with authorities.
  • Sharing knowledge on big cat animal welfare through Guided Sanctuary Tours, educational programmes; via social media platforms, articles and videos.
  • Incorporating the One Welfare ideology into educational channels - One Welfare: The symbiotic relationship between, the environment, humans and animals.
  • Implementation of various environmentally sustainable projects with the goal to further reduce our carbon footprint.

Main activities

We can accomplish our goals by:

  • Improvement of animal welfare with individual monitoring, medical care, training and enrichment programmes.
  • Development of rigorous quality standards in regard to management, animal welfare, facilities, safety, hygiene, infrastructure, communication and education.
  • Research into future development for LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary with a focus on special care for traumatised big cats.
  • Information sharing to the public via tours, educational programmes and online platforms.
