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The Golden Pride sitting on their platform

The Golden Pride

The Seven females and three males were rescued from a captive breeding facility.

The group known as The Golden Pride consists of Males called Kali, Rudo and Sandile and females called Kimi, Dandi, Sarafina, Sihle, Zuri, Zendaya and Khaya. Rescued from unsafe keeping condition and facing a cruel fate, The hallmarks of the exploitative captive breeding Industry, the ten lions can finally feel safe in their new home at LIONSROCK.  

The Seven females and three males were rescued from a captive breeding facility belonging to the local municipality in Krugersdorp, Gauteng Province of South Africa. FOUR PAWS took over the pride after Gauteng provincial authorities issued a notice to the owners of the facility for having failed to comply with Permit requirements. The notice enabled FOUR PAWS to move the lions to LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. Should this Solution not have been found, the authorities would have had to euthanise the animals.

FOUR PAWS was previously requested by the authorities to assess the lions, as they found that the breeding facility did not comply with fencing and various other permit requirements and continued to breed with the lions despite warnings to the contrary. The facility was given various chances to comply with permit regulations by authorities but to no avail. Objections, by the owners of the lions, to the notice were made but these were overturned and the final decision to remove the animals and issue no more permits for the keeping of big cats was made.  

Immediate contraceptive measures were taken on all the female lions. Hormone implants were administered during anaesthesia before the animals were loaded for transfer to ensure no further chance of breeding, which is against the values of a True Sanctuary such as LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary.

On the 9th of November 2022, after months of hurdles and paperwork, Sandile, Rudo, Kali and their pride found refuge at LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. Here, they would find safety, care, and a chance to reclaim their essence. The pride was greeted with ample space for the lions to roam in their species - appropriate enclosures. 

Due to aggression between Kali, Rudo and Sandile a decision to separate them was made to avoid conflict and injuries amongst the group members. 

Today, Sandile lives together with Sarafina, Khaya, Sihle, Zuri, Kimi, Zendaya, and Dandi in unwavering harmony. 

Watch The Golden Pride's Rescue Story Here

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Lion Samson looks off in the distance


