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Help us help them

Financial Contributions

LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary, operated by FOUR PAWS, stands as a beacon for neglected big cats worldwide. We provide a lifelong, species-appropriate home for over 100 rescued big cats, including those from circuses, zoos, and private keeping. Your donations play a crucial role in supporting these animals by funding their care, including feeding, medical attention, and enrichment. By contributing, you’re making a difference in the lives of these beautiful animals.


  • Via EFT:  FOUR PAWS Animal Welfare Foundation,
    • Bank: First National Bank
    • Account number: 621 3954 7759,
    • Branch code: 250 655,
    • Reference: Your e-mail address, name and surname

Sponsor a Big Cat

Do you have a favourite big cat? You can become a sponsor of one of our loveable big cats. Give a big cat the life they deserve by sponsoring their care. By sponsoring a big cat at LIONSROCK, you contribute to their care, feeding, enrichment, and high-standard medical attention. Your support makes a significant impact on their well-being and quality of life.

To become a sponsor please click here

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LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary, operated by FOUR PAWS, prioritises the well-being of its rescued big cats through thoughtful care and enrichment. Here’s how your donations contribute:

Enrichment is the activity of keeping our big cats' senses sharp! We create weekly enrichment toys and embed spices and scents in them. This gives our big cats something to bite, grab, smell and playfully roll around in.

The non-food or toy enrichments are placed in the enclosures to encourage sensory activity and play. Items like boxes and hessian fabrics are infused with their preferred spices or scents which provide mental stimulation and excitement for the big cats.

By supporting LIONSROCK, you directly contribute to the enrichment and well-being of these regal animals.

You can contribute the following enrichment ingredients:

  • Tumeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Spice
  • Hessian fabric
  • Boxes
  • Fire hoses
To donate towards enrichment please email Park@lionsrock.org or call +27 58 304 1003
Lioness Vasylyna


Your donation makes a difference! 

