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Pigs at a farm

(on hold) On-Farm Slaughter of Small Ruminants and Pigs

Less stress, more welfare


The process of loading and transporting animals to the abattoir, along with the time they spend there, is very stressful for farmed animals and negatively impacts their welfare. On-farm slaughter can help minimise stress, pain, and harm to the animals.

However, unlike with cattle, there is limited practical experience and research regarding the on-farm slaughter of pigs, goats, and sheep. Therefore, the aim of this project is to establish and continuously improve on-farm slaughter practices for these species, focusing on enhancing animal welfare by reducing stress, refining practical procedures, and ensuring economic efficiency.

FOUR PAWS supports the project financially and scientifically and the results of the project will be presented in a technical brochure, in a video and at an information event. FiBL will continue to provide advice on on-farm slaughter after the project is completed.

More information regarding the current status of the project can be found here:

1. Farm and pasture slaughtering for improved animal welfare, FIBL [accessed DATE] https://www.fibl.org/en/info-centre/news/farm-and-pasture-slaughtering-for-improved-animal-welfare
2.On-farm slaughter of pigs and small ruminants, FIBL [accessed DATE] https://www.fibl.org/en/themes/projectdatabase/projectitem/project/2206

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