warningPlease be careful! If you delete this page, consider that it could be used within an other language version.

How to add a PDF to your Page

Learn how to properly add a PDF element to your NEOS pages


Whenever you add a PDF to your page, it is best to put it in a PDF element. This makes it clear to Google that it is a PDF, and also looks more user friendly, than just a text linking to a PDF file.

Take a look at this page for an example of where we use a PDF element: Mulesed Wool in Global Sportswear

Important things to keep in mind when adding PDFs:

  • Do they adhere to the FP Branding Style Guide? Please do not upload PDFs that do not match FP Branding, or check with Marketing beforehand if you are unsure.
  • What format is your PDF in? If it is in landscape format, it will not work on the mobile version. Please change the 'cover' of the PDF to a regular portrait format photo. Please see the process below.
  • What size is your pdf? The max size you can upload to NEOS is 7MB. Please make sure it is under 7MB, but that the quality is not compromised if it has been compressed.

Read next steps for how to add a PDF in the PDF element, and please follow the formatting rules.

Steps to Properly add a PDF

  1. Triple check your PDF. Are all links in the PDF working?
  2. Go to the Media Section of NEOS (use the burger menu in the top left corner, and scroll all the way down.)
  3. Once in Media, click 'Upload New'
  4. Select the PDF file from your computer --> please note, file name formats should be clear and organised, with spaces (underscores) between words, and a date. E.g. Ortovox_Case_Study_EN13072022.pdf
  5. Add a Title, Caption, and add FOUR PAWS as the copyright notice. Your title should also be clear: E.g. Wear it Kind | EN Ortovox Brand Case Study 13072022. Caption can be the same, or offer slightly more detail.
  6. Select the tags: PDF, Document, + Exclude Media Credit + whatever else is relevant to your PDF (Campaign, animal type, etc.)
  7. Click Upload
  8. Next, go to the page in the Content Hub, where you would like to upload the PDF.
  9. In the content tree of your page (left side bottom), select a content element. Then, inside the content element add a PDF.
  10. Press apply.
  11. In the inspector, is where you will search for the PDF which you just uploaded to the Media gallery. You will also have to add a title and a short caption. (Reccommended max is up to 75 words.) See the example below this checklist, of the Ortovox case study.
  12. Once you've found it, click on it, press apply and publish. If the PDF is in landscape format, you will have to add a separate portait format image to act as the cover. See the steps here.
Wear it Kind Ortovox Case Study

Wear it Kind Ortovox Case Study

Read about how this brand went mulesing free!

What to do if my PDF is in landscape format?

If your PDF is in landscape format, it will end up looking like this (image below) in mobile, and is not so user friendly. What to do instead here.

Landscape pdf in mobile view

For now, if you have a PDF in landscape format, you have to upload a separate image in portrait format, to work as the 'cover' photo for the PDF element. See example on the Mulesing Issues and Solutions page, below the first teaser block.

In the inspector after clicking on the PDF element in the content tree, simply click on the camera icon, to upload your portrait format image. See example below:

Inspector details for how to add a cover photo for PDFs

Press 'Apply' and you're done!

Head back to the Editors Help Pages
