How to Set a CaLL-TO-ACTION Link FOR A Single Content Page
Overwrite Default Links Call-to-action for a specific content page
For every single content page claimed in an Outlet-Domain you can overwrite the fall-back- /default links for (A) Donation, (B) Petition, (C) Sponsorship must be set on the Homepage (=Start page) in the Property inspector. Then the links for Content Breaker "Call-to-Action (icon)" will be overwritten
- Select the Content Page in the Page Tree
- Scroll down in the Property Inspector to the section "Relations" and select (A) Donate Link (B) Petition Link (C) Sponsorship Link
- there is a field for the link where you can enter the Target-URL- if the URL is found then it will appear in the dropdown below the field
- Select the right URL in the dropdown and press enter
- Click on the „Apply" button at the bottom of the Property Inspector
- Click on „Publish" button at the top right corner