warningPlease be careful! If you delete this page, consider that it could be used within an other language version.
Inspector details

The inspector details

Important information on images, meta information and more in the inspector section of NEOS


When creating or editing a page, it is very important to make sure all items in the Inspector (right side) are filled out correctly and that they are not missing. The items in the inspector are part of what is called 'Shema.org' and is a way for Google to understand the page, read and crawl the page, so we can rank higher in the search engine, which is called SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). 

Let's take a look at each part of the Inspector:

The 1st Tab: General (Pencil icon)

The first tab deals with Author, Publication Date, Node Variant (language version), main image, title, URL path, and taxonomies (which are used to classify the article) Everything in this tab should be filled out, before you publish the page for the first time.

  • Remember to add Image Alt text and a Title for all images. The header image Title can be the same as the page title.
  • Alt Text should be describing the photo, for website visitors who use screen readers.
  • This tab is where you will stay, when working with an image element, to add title/alt text for example.
The 1st Tab: General (Pencil icon)

The 2nd Tab: Metadata (Cog icon)

This section allows you to hide a page in the menu (by checking the box)

  • Please DO NOT change the page type after you have created it. (Type - dropdown)
  • The metadata shows you information like when the page was created and edited.


Metadata details

The 3rd Tab: SEO (Target icon)

The third tab is all about SEO information.

  • The Description needs to be filled out – It is a short snippet, with a recommended length of 50 to 160 characters.
  • Try to make it engaging and catchy so people want to click on the page, as this is the snippet that shows up underneath the title in the Search engine:
Description snippet in search engine
SEO details
  • Please be sure to add at least five keywords that relate to your page's content
  • Open graph details: This is what is needed for when we share pages to Facebook
  • Open Graph default is Article. Please keep it as Article, and if you see older pages that have Website selected, please switch it to Article.
  • Twitter Card: This is what is needed for when we share pages to Twitter
  • Twitter card default: Summary Card with Large Image
  • If you go back and edit older pages, that just have Summary Card, please switch to Summary Card with Large Image.

The 4th Tab: Yoast SEO

  • The Yoast SEO tab is a built in tool that anaylses the pages SEO. 
  • You can take a look at it for helpful insights, like if links are broken, if readability could be improved and so on. 
  • We will add more helpful tools and options for SEO checking soon.
Yoast SEO
