“Providing a quality classified ad site by ensuring maximum security for our users is one of the priorities of anibis.ch. For years, we have been convinced that simply deleting the category 'animals' is not a solution and that is the reason why we are conducting discussions with animal welfare associations in order to put in place effective measures to curb the illegal puppy trade. Since 2016, the microchip number must be provided to anibis.ch, in order to publish an advertisement for a dog, and since March 2018 that has also been the case for purebred cats. We manually check each microchip number on Europetnet.org. In Switzerland, the new Animal Protection Ordinance, which came into force on 01.03.2018, requires that the seller's full name and full address have to be published in the classified ad. Unfortunately, these efforts are in vain because it is impossible for us to verify if the information indicated is correct. With the introduction of automatic checks of the correctness of the data - in order to advertise dogs - we would be able to further complicate the illegal trade of puppies. Anibis.ch supports the FOUR PAWS’ proposal and is gladly offering its help as a test platform.”
Jelena Moncilli, Anti-Fraud Specialist at anibis.ch, Switzerland
“Dyreværnet ('Animal care') in Denmark support the Model Solution and all the work being done to implement 'tracing the trade' in regard to online sales and import/export of puppies, and dogs in general. We will work to facilitate the implementation of the Model Solution in Denmark via Dansk Hunderegister (the Danish Dog Registry), Fødevarestyrelsen (the Food administration, from where animal welfare is governed) and relevant politicians.”
Dr. Rikke Lee, CEO Dyreværnet, Denmark
“The dubious trade of puppies, increasingly being sold via classified ad sites, represents a serious animal welfare problem in Europe and is associated with immense animal suffering. In order to dry-up the illegal market and create much needed transparency, the bmt expressly supports the Model Solution presented by VIER PFOTEN. Since it ties in with existing European law and can fall back on already existing modern database systems for the identification and registration of animals, its successful implementation and national roll-out is ultimately only a question of political will.”
Karsten Plücker, Chairman of Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere (bmt), Germany
“ANIMALDATA.COM welcomes the FOUR PAWS initiative against the illegal puppy trade which requires all breeders and pet traders to be registered. In order to be able to trace each animal, a breeders or traders registration number would need to be recorded in both state and I&R databases prior to any transfer of a puppy. ANIMALDATA.COM is ready to implement the related requirements of EUROPETNET in Austria.”
Dr. Herbert Mueller, Internationale Tierkennzeichendatenbank animaldata.com, Austria
“The anonymous online pet trade must be banned in order to protect animals from abuse and torture. The FOUR PAWS Model Solution demonstrates how the online puppy trade can be regulated and how the legal online trade can implement binding rules that protect animals. Implementation of the Model Solution could enable complete Europe-wide traceability and transparency of the sale and purchase of animals, ultimately serving both animal welfare and human welfare.”
Stefan Weber, Tierschutzbeauftragte der Länder, SPD Schleswig-Holstein, Germany