warningPlease be careful! If you delete this page, consider that it could be used within an other language version.

"Fact" -  Content Breaker

Applicable for all content page types from the Hub e.g. Article, Blog, Press Release...

  1. Select the content page where you want to add the Fact Content Breaker
  2. Select the content section in the Structure Tree where you want to insert above or below the Fact Content Breaker
  3. Click on the „+“ and select  „—>“ icon for above or below
  4. Enter the Headline
  5. Set a graphic (icon) and press Apply - OPTIONAL
  6. Enter Fact message
  7. Click on „Publish“ (right up corner)

    NOTE: In the Property Inspector you have to option to "Show Header" in order to have a Header and Subline above the Fact Content Breaker



